So I just watched the first ever Christmas zombie movie and actually it was not that bad. Silent Night, Zombie Night takes place the week before Christmas up to Christmas day. I know I said that the next review I did would be the Day of the Dead remake and that I was going to write that over a week ago but in case you do not read other sections of my blog, my keyboard is on the fritz and it is a bitch to type shit now. My spacebar, b, n, and question mark keys all do not work anymore. The only reason I cab type at all now is thanks to Microsoft Word autocorrect\and that is why I have not been blogging as much recently. I will get back to Day of the Dead the remake but I literally just watched Silent Night, Zombie Night like five minutes ago and since I also wanted to start review movies other than zombie movies and it being December and all, I figured I would start with Christmas movies. I would have done Fantastic Mr. Fox for Thanksgiving but again, this keyboard problem really has me slacking.
Silent Night, Zombie Night follows two cops and the wife of one of them who also has feelings for the other cop who is best friends with the first cop. Yep. This movie actually has a plot, which did surprise me since most of these crappy zombie flicks rarely have a plot. I say crappy but is it really?
It is clearly a low budget independent zombie film but it is not an amateur one and those are usually the worst. Like I said this movie has a plot so it get points right off for that. It is also creative has decent acting, and most of the effects do not suck except for the CGI, which does not even show up until an hour into the movie. Also, the sound effects are pretty fake but those are really my only complaints. This is one of the best bad zombie movies I have ever seen. In addition, the movie (as in the director, writer, producer, and actors) is well aware that this is not a serious film and therefore does not need to be taken seriously. It knows it is going to be crappy and for this insight alone, makes it not the terrible movie it could have been if it thought, it was serious or great. They clearly understood the consequences of a low budget film and therefore made sure to have fun with it. That being said, this is not a comedy or campy. It has some comedic moments but overall the movie is going for drama—and it is surprisingly dramatic for a film of this caliber—I actually became emotionally invested in the characters at certain moments.
Also, the film was creative in playing with the concepts of zombies. There are two types of zombies in Silent Night, Zombie Night. The first type we see are the shitty fast zombies but I don’t really have a problem with them in this. First off, the movie explains why they are fast sort of and this movie has no allusions of comparing or competing with Romero movies. These fast type zombies don’t have super speed like they are PCP heads like in the Dawn of the Dead remake but they are relatively quick. They are also semi-intelligent and will actually eat the other slower zombies making these zombies almost cannibals. The second type of zombies is the slow kind. These zombies are actually slower, dumber, and blinder than the typical Romero zombie and pose no real threat. I should also mention that the zombies in this film are caused by a virus.
The movie threw me a couple of times—I was unsure of whether this would be a good or bad movie because at times it could have gone either way but in the end it was not that bad. It is slightly entertaining, has some fun moments and dramatic moments, an actual plot, and it knows it is a cheap movie—it is not trying to be anything that it is not.
Would I recommend it? Well, if you are bored, like zombies, it is around Christmas, and you are not in the mood for the cheery or depressing typical Christmas flicks then, yeah, I suggest it. I mean it is watchable. It has no real redeeming value so if I rate it over all including its fun potential; I give it 2.53 out of 5 stars.
Also, Creepy Puppet Project has a video with a song called Silent Night, Zombie Night (the video, however is called Frosty Zombies). It is unrelated to the movie but I thought you all might enjoy it:

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