This one may also be a long one like the last one. I really wanted to do some serious blogging today like a post on the issue that caused this blog in a be anway and some Music and Philosophy and maybe another Zombie review. but i just need this blogs cathartic effect so bad right now and need to get this off my chest.
So what's got me in such a tizzy? Well today's topic is talking about people behind their backs:
Why do we do this? If we have a problem with someone we should say it to their face! I guess one reason is you don't want a confrontation or you don't want to offend them. well if you are talking about them behind their backs, clearly you dont really care about them so i dont see why you would care about hurting their feelings. I know i am, to mix some metaphores, a bleeding-heart-on-my-sleeve Liberal but if everyone was more open about their personal problems such as mental conditions or having a bad day, etc, and if everyone was open with everyone about their problems with each other, then everyone would be more accpeting and more tolerant and understanding of each other.
I have no problem explaining my problems openly with people. i am very well aware of all of them and am actually working on them and am currently in therapy for them. There are reasons i get so angry and defensive and seem to always have an angry tone even when i'm not angry. i apologize for it. There are learned reasons for my anger. i also have issues with anxieties, stress, paranioa, bouts of depression, ADHD, and an overdeveloped sense of ethics, liberalism, and tolerance.
there is only one thing i am intolerance agaisntL intolerance. just look at the bumper stickers on my car. those are a few explanations for the way i am. if you want the full picture then fine, i'm an open book:
Liberal, hippie, Christian, philosopher, sociologist, humanist, friend, environmentalist.
I can't stand rape humor becuase one of the few objective morals in my mind is that rape is never deserved, never right, and never funny. this being said, i have has too many friends raped by men to stand that kind of thing at all which is why i ahve few male friends, i didnt' have any real male friends untill junior year of college and that being said i only have too real friends who are males.
I am an eqaulitist and don't care what your race, religion, gender, sex, sexuality, age, class, etc is. i do have some prejudices towards tea partiers, conversatives, religous extermists, racists, Nazis, or basically anyone who has a heart full of hate.
i think it is hypocritical that (and this referes to my situation) people who are considered nerds, geeks, dorks, essientally in the pop cultures eyes, the outcasts an losers who since first grade and evn more so in high school were bullied and harassed an d nthe butts of jokes would turn around and do this to others. I never would do that. i know what it feels like and it burns. so to turn around and do it to others who are like you is insane! The only time i will ever talk avbout someone behind their back is for a cathartic venting release when someone insults me or a friend or is rude or mean or a jerk,. but i won't gossip. i wont compalin about you being loud, annoying, talking about silly things, or anything like that beacsue it is not worth it. but then again that is just me. i just think if every one wore their heart on their sleeve ans spoke their mind and expressed their anxities and problems without fear of rejection things would be better. i know some people think that this would cause more conflicts and problems because if everyone is open people will know what people truly think and may disagree. however, at the very least be proud of who you are. tell the world that tyou are a liberal or have adhd or schizophrenia, i don't care if you ahve problems, it doesnt bother me. but it will explain why things upset you or anger or annoy a person ans so i will know what will offfend you and i wont talk about ti and if you have a break down over something i will understand why and will be less likely to judge you mean or rude. for example if you ahd a bad day and your dad died, me talking about death and fathers may cuase you to snap at me. but i wont know why., i'll jsut think you are a jerk. but if i knew you had a suck-ass day. i could be more understanding.
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