This is my latest blog section where I will review various teas, perhaps coffee, and maybe even actual cafes. Right at this second, I cannot put any on here because my first priority is to write a paper. The entries for this section will all be on here without links because I am assuming they will all be relatively short.
Alright. I wish I had started this earlier because there are a few autumn teas that I love and Fall is almost over.
Pumpkin Tea:
The tea I will start with is Bigelow Pumpkin Spice Autumn Spiced Tea. The tea box gives this description:
“Smooth and satisfying, its rich, round flavor is a masterful blend of the finest, mountain-grown teas and delicate spices, reminiscent of a fine dessert.”
I agree with this—well for the most part anyway. I think they are tooting their own horn here. However, I love pumpkin anything—coffee, bread, pie, etc. In addition, if you love pumpkin, you are sure to enjoy this tea. The pumpkin is subtle but not too subtle and it is smooth. It is a weak tea however, but I enjoy it. On the caffeine meter, it has 30-60 mg. In addition, like most teas today, Bigelow is moving towards environmentalism. “Bigelow is pleased to share the fact that this box, bag, string and tag are made from sustainable (renewable) resources and are 100% biodegradable.”
It is certainly better in my opinion than Stash Pumpkin Spice tea. Stash’s version tastes even weaker and has too much ginger in it making it a tad too spicy. Do not get me wrong, I love spicy food and I love hot sauce but I do not want my beverages to be spicy and if they are, I like it to be subtle such as vanilla chai tea.
Apple Cider Tea
Bigelow also had an apple cider tea. This is not too bad. I am usually a bit weary when it comes to fruit teas. However, this one actually tastes almost like a cup\of hot mulled cider with a hint of tea.
Christmas Tea
Moving on to Christmas teas. Like with pumpkin, I love everything gingerbread, so you can imagine my excitement when several years ago I saw Celestial Seasonings has a Gingerbread Spice herbal tea. I found it in the store again last week and it disappointed me….it was not the tea I remembered it to be. It is not bad…it is just weaker than I would like, the gingerbread is too subtle, and, again, it is a bit spicy. Bigelow does a gingerbread tea that I would love to try but I have never seen it sold in a store near me.
However, I also picked up a box of Celestial Seasonings “Nutcracker Sweet” tea. This is a black tea and let me tell you, it tastes much better than their gingerbread tea. In fact, I flat out love this tea and plan to pick up another box. Here are the blendmaster’s notes:
“Nutcracker Sweet is an irresistibly simple blend of fine black teas made more festive with creamy, nutty vanilla and just a pinch of cinnamon. A decadent-yet-healthy treat”
I agree with all of the above. There is a nutty flavor that tastes slightly like hazelnut and I can sure taste the vanilla.
Celestial Seasonings has a few other holiday teas such as Sugar Plum, which I am curious about, however, as I said before, I am hesitant about fruit teas. Bigelow also has an eggnog tea i have not had in a few years but I remember it being odd, interesting, but tasty.
More teas to appear here as well as possibly more holiday teas.