My first encounter with this was a little over two years ago (this may be one of the longer entries on here) I lived on the substance free floor. That meant one could not be on the floor while drunk or high and even though it was a 'wet' campus, alcohol was not allowed on that floor. This was me second year on the floor and I was in the same room as the year before. My roommate at the time was a dick. I am not sure why he was going to the college. Probably something to do with it being labeled a party school which misses the point, I may complain about him in another entry. Anyway he got kicked off the floor so I had a double single for free!! Awesome!. However, in the room next to me lived a very pompous idiot. My room was across from the RA's room. His was next to mine, meaning his room was diagonally across from hers, so about 3-4 feet away. Now this guy, partied loud and hard all the time. Don't get me wrong. I'm your floats your boat, own drum kind of guy. To each his own as long as it entails repecting those around oneself. He was not respectful. He was one of those people who missed the point about college: that it is all about first taste of freedom (and it is to an extent) and about partying and such. His room was loud every day every night to the point where it was not worth it to report him. Eventually I found out he had rearranged the room so that he and his roommate were comfortable and that it had a bar set up. On top of this, he had a dehumidifier in his room so they could smoke pot without setting off the alarms or arousing suspicion. Also, I forgot to mention, he was under 21. Ok: You are not only legally not allowed to drink, but also you set up a bar and a dehumidifier in your room, which happens to be on the sub free floor 3 FEET FROM THE RA'S ROOM! Does this sound stupid to anyone else out there? If you are going to drink, party and smoke, fine, but be smart about it. I along with several of my fellow floor mates was sick to the teeth with his bullcrap. Oh wait, tangent: best part? One night he was complaining that my Halloween screensaver was loud and he could not focus on studying for a test at 5 pm. Are you kidding me? He may have been telling the truth but seriously? You are loud all the time, I am loud once. Double edged sword? You cannot be rude all the time and expect people to be nice to you and do what you want. Therefore, I wrote an email to the RA. It was nothing personal. I just wanted him off the floor he did not belong on and be moved to a floor where his money and party hard attitude would be more appreciated like the Creative Arts majors Floor or the Recreation major Floor, infamous for their parties. I had nothing against the guy. Somehow, they found out I wrote the email and moved all the booze out of the room in a heartbeat. Then, at dinner that night, a friend of mine at the time also on our floor who ran in some of the same circles as the guy warned me that she had information that he was going to have the guy’s rugby team “beat my ass” Now I knew it was an empty threat created to hopefully scare me. I guess they did not know that would not work on someone who had been thru more than they had. The dorm building that the sub free floor was in was primarily a freshmen dorm. I am not sure why but it was. They were all freshmen and I think he was 17 or at most 18. I was 20 and was not going to stand for this shit so I marched right down to security and told them the story. Also I had the advantage of beings friends with the head of security. I told them I knew it was an empty threat but to cover my bases in case something at all happened, they should know. The reason I knew I was safe is that the college has a no tolerance policy towards violence: if any one touched me, they would be expelled and the event would go on their transcript. After that, I walked back to my room where I began to play a video game to take my mind of things. Soon, a knock came on the door. Being the paranoid person I am I did not open it but asked who was at the door…no answer. I kept myself near the door, listening and I heard a few people out there and I heard him call to the roommate of another friend of mine on the floor to knock and give her name. They must have thought I was as stupid as they were. I knew she was involved with them. Moments later, there was what seemed like a mob outside my door. I could hear many different voices and they began to pound on my door. When the RA on duty came to do rounds, they scattered before they could be noticed. At this point, the friend who warned me at dinner slipped a note under my door saying, “don’t leave your room tonight”. They came back to continue their attempt of psychological warfare to intimidate me. I just selected the most violent stage of the game to play and cranked the volume to 11. I could not stand it anymore and so I tapped down some controls so that it sounded like someone was playing the game and called security. They came up in moments but again, the crowd had scattered. I told him and my RA what was going on and showed them the note. The security guy along with a few bigger RA’s went into the room to talk to him. I was in the hall where s few of his friends were who began to berate me, telling me he was “such a nice guy” and that I “drove him over the edge. He was just really stressed”. I came to find out that he had had a disciplinary warning like a week ago. What a fucking idiot. I’m sorry but really!? You were already in trouble and didn’t think it would be a good idea to play it safe and walk on eggshells for a while? Apparently, according to his friends that’s why he freaked out when I reported him, he was afraid he’d get in more trouble and get suspended. Well if he were that concerned, he would not have kept up his behavior. Furthermore, he made his case worse by threatening my life and me and having a mob outside my door. He was a theatre major and I had seen him do some impressions before. One of which was the Joker from the Dark Knight. I found out that he had dressed up like that to scare me further that night and when security went into his room, he was still dressed like that and putting on a Joker pseudo-persona. I guess that makes me Batman in this scenario? I am ok with that. But yeah. He was stupid enough to think that would scare me. His friends kept telling me I was an ass and that he was a nice guy who was worried about getting in trouble. Look at the measures he went to, to threaten me! And what about all of these so-called friends? If they were really worried about him they would have stopped him. Fucking mob mentality huh? I do not think almost any of them were his real friends are really concerned with him. I think they were pissed because I put their dealer out of business. This kid was rich and somehow had access to lots of alcohol and pot. The only reason they were pissed at me was that I ruined their fun. Well, he sounds like a nice guy to me. It is not as if he is mentally unstable or anything, not like he has ever threatened anyone. Back to his room and the Joker: when security did go in there he had a pencil like the Joker in the Dark Night and was holding it pointed to his neck. And he then tried to jump out the window. It got so bad that they had to call in state troopers. The town the college was in was too small for a police station, it only had a constable. They could not arrest him for endangering himself however, because as soon as the trooper walked in he dropped the whole persona and said he was pretending and that it was all an act! Ok! Makes sense to me! He really sounds nice, doesn’t he? He was taken off campus and was suspended from the school for the rest of the year (including the next semester). the best part is at the judicial hearing: the girl that informed me of the threat and wrote the note refused to show up and she didn’t have to, as well as my other ‘friend’ who was the roommate of the girl who knocked on my door and witnessed the alcohol moving from his room to theirs. These two ‘friends’ didn’t want to get involved, they didn’t like conflict, they didn’t want people to hate them, so I got all the shit and was alone to defend myself. The judicial hearing is set up so only questions relevant to what happened can be asked and only direct answers can be said. The whole thing when I got in there was about the alcohol! Not about him trying to kill me. It could have been about that had he asked about that but he was only concerned with proving there had been no alcohol in the room. I didn’t give a shit about the booze I was pissed about the fucking threats and what followed!! Furthermore, that is why you were kicked off campus! It had nothing to do with the booze you idiot. I am made of strong stuff seeing how I have helped many friends thru really shitty situations. However, this whole thing frazzled me. Being the paranoid person, I was and watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds, I began to carry a pocketknife with me everywhere I went, I would not leave the dining hall from dinner unless someone else was walking back at least almost the whole way to my dorm. I got shitty looks from most of the kids at the smoking hut when I walked by because they could no longer as easily get drunk. (Which doesn’t make sense to me there was always a party with free booze on campus somewhere.) I started using the bathroom in the basement of the dorm building, which was a classroom floor, at night, my grades all dropped, I got a D in one class, and became very anti-social. Even with him gone, it was not over. I still got the looks but that didn’t bother me, I’d screw with them by saying something creepy like “it’s ok, your higher power loves you anyway” to them. However, the girl who knocked on my door that night kept carving stuff I put on my door off with a pocketknife. You can still see the scars on my dry erase board. Also a month or so later, I was out in the hall heading back to my room when two idiots recognized me as “that guy” and they were clearly drunk and they asked me “ hey, how’s it going?” I said fine, and you? They responded “ya snitching? Huh? Ya snitching?” what the fuck!? Are we in fucking middle school? I thought of something great to say back to them but they had already left. I think it was something like “hey, how’s it going? How are your knee caps doing? They feel alright?”
Then, almost two years later to the day, a somewhat similar event happens here that is similar enough to bring about some PTSD tendencies in me, which explains why I may have not been fully focused, or myself this semester:
Once again, idiots are on my floor or in this case my suite. Since day one, they have been nothing but loud day and night all day every day. I had the lounge set up so me and my friends and whoever else wanted to at anytime, could watch movies or chill or anything. Then these guys started moving the furniture around just to piss us off. I mean literally being an ass to be an ass, no other reason. At first, we thought it was because they wanted it facing a different way and that is totally fine, when we use it we can have it one way and when they use it is set up another way. Then one night they rearranged it all in a way that said: hahaha, fuck you! They had the couch and chair shoved up and facing against the wall so no one could sit in them, they had the trash barrel in the middle of the room, the other chairs randomly thrown about, etc. They also moved my girlfriends TV. She was pissed and so wrote a message on the guy’s door we knew was moving it all. He knocks on my door 10 minutes alter asking me who is accusing him and tells me he does not like being accused of stuff he did not do. So I call my girlfriend and ask her to apologize. When she does, as soon as his door closes, she hears them all laughing and high fiving. I alerted the RA after that and it was taken care of promptly. However, then one night friends and me are watching a couple of movies, we are talking loud and our TV is loud. We are not loud people usually. The reason the TV is blasting is that my suite mates are being loud like always. We ask them to close their doors, to be a little quieter but it never works. So we just turn up our TV. A girl from another suite on our floor comes over saying she can hear us shouting and asks us to keep our voices down which we do right immediately. We always turn things down when asked. No one that whole night came out to tell us to turn down our TV. However, later that night the RA on duty come over to tell us there had been a noise complaint for our suite specifically about our TV and that they had asked us several times to turn it down. Now, for all we know it could have been the assholes fucking with us. We apologized and turned it down. The RA also heard how loud they were being in their room so he knocked on the door and said loudly RPS. The guy in the room in a silly voice asked who was it and he repeated RPS. We heard parts of their conversation. The RA, just doing his job said there had been a noise complaint for the suite and he was making sure everything was in order. The guy then told him about us and the RA said I already talked to them. The guy then said it wasn’t quite hours yet. It was 1055 and Friday night so it would not be quiet hours for another hour. The RA told him about 24 curtsey quiet hours and in the end somebody, I am pretty sure him, got written up. Then a girl who I have never liked, came out and yelled at us telling us we should have gotten in trouble and that because of us, one of her friends was written up. She then said we never turn it down when someone asks us which s bullshit esp. since we only have it loud because they are so loud. She then told us that up until now, they have been “ok” with us having our movie night every night (which is also bullshit it is not every night) but now it is a problem. The tone of her voice was threatening and suggested that it was a privilege for us to watch movies, not a right.
I feel better after getting all that out. I know this has been a long entry and I doubt any one will read it but I felt like finally getting the whole thing on paper and also the first story explains why I may have been acting off for a good deal of the semester, the recent bullshit has put me back into those feelings I had two years ago.
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