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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Social/Political Issue of the Week 1/Grinds my Gears 4/Church of Sense and Reason 4: "Texas Justice" Judge William Adams

This is another new category. I saw this video this morning and I just needed to blog about it. Click on the blog title it will link you to the video read the description of the video after you watch it.

Now that you have watched it, what do you think?
To Hilary Adams:
You are so strong and your perseverance gives me hope and strength as well. You are brave to have posted the video and I commend you. Living in an abusive household is difficult and you have traversed tremendous odds. I am a philosophy major and all my other classes are in sociology, anthropology and psychology. Needless to say I care about people and issues like this. They get my blood boiling and I want to speak out against them.  I do not know if you will ever even read this blog but that is okay. It is also for everyone else. I have always been against corporal punishment especially in the home. That was so excessive and disturbing I can see why YouTube restricted it to 18 or older. You are a light in the darkness and give hope to all those who are also abused. Thank you. If you ever get into politics yourself, I know you will be a force for good fighting against injustices like this one.

This really disturbed me, as it should! These things happen all the time and there are people against tit everywhere but not until we all see something like this do, we really speak out against it. That seems bad but it makes sense. If we were always angry everyday about all the issues in society, we would go crazy and kill everyone so we do not usually deal with them. I plan to talk a good deal of them on this blog. The funny thing about the video is at one point I thought to myself “this can’t be real can it? No one really is like this or talks like this. This must by a satire of some sort just to rouse people’s ire…” I know it is real but let me tell you why I thought that for a second: the language the father was using blew my mind. He was talking to her as if she was sub-human, like a dog. I am pretty aware of all the shit that goes on in the world and I thought most terrible stuff like this wouldn’t surprise me but it shocked me. And all for a stupid computer game. There are so many other more acceptable punishments you could implement and if you are going to resort to violence, it should never be that excessive! This video pissed me off so much I have been angry all day. I know shit like this happens all the time but when you see it like this it is…really angering. In fact, I am been snapping at people all day and for those of you I did snap at and for those of those people that will read this (though I tend to doubt anyone reads my blog other than people from my MP class) I apologize. However, if you see the video you can understand why I acted this way. The comments on the video did restore my faith in humanity to an extent. Reason? Well up until now, I thought that the majority of comments on videos like this would be trolls being assholes for the sake of being bastards. However, only like six comments I have seen are troll comments and they have all either been completely ignored, flagged as spam, or yelled at violently by the other commenter’s. I was watching the comments come in and they were coming in at an alarming rate, like hundreds by the second! That is why I feel a bit better about humanity.
To Judge William Adams:
I know this sounds silly but there is really no other way to say it: Shame on you sir! How dare you! You are the definition of hypocrisy and irony. Esp. since (I am not entirely sure this is accurate but I was told this in one of my classes today) apparently you deal with many cases involving child abuse! You are a terrible person. For second I am going to assume you are some type of Christian, I know I should not but I am. And if you are, think Jesus is happy about how you treated her? What about the hymn “They will know we are Christians by our Love” ? You don’t look too loving to me. I don’t care if your parents treated you the same way, I don’t care if it says it’s ok  “in the good book” What you did is objectively morally and ethically wrong. You could have reprimanded her in so many other ways. On top of that, she is disables you jerk! What? Did you think that CP affects the mind as well? She won’t understand so you will beat the lesson into her? Way to be ignorant. CP affects the body and typically, the mind compensates by being even more advanced. I would bet she is smarter than you are. You said in the interview afterwards (found at this link ) that the statute of limitations is up. So? That really doesn’t matter. You are still fucked! Your image is shattered and the judicial board is going to want to distance themselves from you. Furthermore, there are tens of thousands of us commenting on the video, sharing it to our college professors, high school teachers, friends, family members, and anyone who will listen. There are also many of us doing as I am right now: blogging about your vile ass! You are not getting away with this, at the very least, your reputation is gone, and you are most likely going to be fired. You also said in that video that she stole something from you or a store or whatever and so the punishment was not extreme, as it seemed because stealing is bad. Even if she fucking stole, that punishment is still too extreme. And you, “sir”, clearly state in the video that it is about her downloading a game onto her computer. So you may have admitted it was you in the video, but you fucked yourself into a deeper whole by lying. Clearly, sir, you have never seen the actual video. Now, I am not going to yell at you like all the other commenter’s on YouTube. I do not know you. However, your actions cannot be excused. Maybe you were drunk, maybe you are an alcoholic, maybe you were beaten by your parents, maybe you are just ignorant, and maybe you are just a redneck. Whatever the reason, get fucking help, and admit your guilt. Also, on the Christina thing. Aren’t Christians supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin? Well it does not look that way in the video. Search your mind and soul and pray to God for forgiveness because I doubt your daughter will. If you actually watch the video, read the description that she wrote. The way she talks about you in it, when you find out she wrote it you are surprised she is your daughter. She talks about you like you are not her father in anyway and I do not blame her for feeling that way. It is also clear the abuse probably was consistent as she was 16 in the video but did not post it until she was my age (22) probably when she moved out and did not need to fear you beating her to death.

To the mother:
Knowing what I do of psychology and sociology, I know you really are not to blame. In fact, if one really pays attention to the video, you try to save her in your own way. You tell her to turn around so that YOU rather than her father will hit her just once and then it will be done and over with, rather than the 7 minute beating that took place. He probably beat you as well and/or you were scared of him and your behavior, to an extent, is understandable, I know your daughter believes this too and it seems she has forgiven you for it and I am glad you left the son of a bitch!

This video is more about injustice, hypocrisy, and corruption rather than the actual beating. The beating is horrible but her intent is to make sure he cannot practice law anymore and I agree with her. He should be careful because the whole country is outraged and out for his blood. If legal measures are not taken or at the very least isn’t fired, I guarantee vigilante justice will be swift.

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